(403) 807-7806
You do not need to be sick to benefit from Chinese medicine and acupuncture. In fact, Chinese medicine is fundamentally about nurturing, maintaining, and restoring wellness.
Our bodies must constantly adjust and adapt to a wide variety of challenges whilst maintaining homeostasis. Failure to adapt or maintain balance ultimately disrupts the body’s overall equilibrium and compromises the health and integrity of the body’s systems and structures. Thus, the source of illness is not a bacterium, virus, or even a defective gene; the source of illness is any challenge that alters the body’s terrain to the extent that it can no longer cope with the challenges it encounters.
The best remedy for illness is prevention and the key to preventing illness is to maintain order and correct any signs of disorder as quickly as they arise. At Synthera, our diagnostic process seeks to identify the signs of imbalance at their earliest and most subtle manifestations. Our treatments are then tailored specifically to our findings and your health goals.
If your desire is to prevent disease or if you are recovering from an illness or treatment, wellness treatments at Synthera can help you. If you have arrived here to seek help and are wondering if we can provide care for your particular condition or issue, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Suite 300, 8 Varsity Estates Circle NW Calgary, AB T3A 2Z3
(403) 807-7806
Tue – Thurs: 7:30 am – 6:00 pm
Fri: 7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Sat: 7:30 am – 2:00 pm
Sun – Mon: CLOSED
Copyright © 2023, Synthera Therapeutics. All rights reserved.